Sunday, March 14, 2010

Annual Review - Looking Inside the Window

Having recently celebrated a birthday, I took the opportunity to turn my view inside a bit, and review what had been a rather tumultuous year.  Having had a myriad of adventure, misadventure, and probably more than a few unclassifiable events, I figured this was as good a time as any to do an annual review, right?

Jobs do it - they break down 12 months of actions and then establish what the sum of those months would be.  If you're lucky, you get a cost of living increase (plus a percent or two) and perhaps a little more vacation time.  If you're mediocre, you find something to cling to, and then use that as an action plan.  Usually you can sucker a raise, whether deserved or not, and even if you don't get that extra percent, you still feel validated.

We won't even look at the options for sub-par employees.  For the purpose of this analysis, we're going to strike that option.  (It was a rough year - but not that rough)

If I were trying to action plan my year, I'd say there is definite room for improvement.  First and foremost would be a little more focus on a life outside the four walls.  As nice as it is to look out the window, I think the view is getting a little old.  Nothing against the trees, the grass, or the creek that overflows at this time of year, but watching everything from so far away is getting a little old.

So, what's first?  Maybe getting involved in something - I've tossed the idea around before, but playing the game doesn't work if you only sit on the side lines.  What to get involved in is a whole other issue.  I've stared at lists of extracurricular activities as listed on our very own world wide web, and eliminated quite a few - birdwatching would likely drive me mad, and I'm fairly certain I'd be a public hazard were I to participate in any group craft projects.  The list will continue to be explored - there must be something I'm qualified to do.

Next up on my action plan is to diversify - everything.  When I travel, I'm all about the world around me, and everything I can see, touch, and breathe, but when I'm at home, I'm centered in a much smaller corner of the world, focussed on the very few things that come and go in my daily life.  Looking at the larger picture - opening a few more windows, and who knows, maybe even looking at a few different doors, sounds like the type of opportunity I need to allow myself.

What did I do right?  27 had some good points.  Poor decisions turned into smart judgement calls, as well as good career moves.  There were moments of complete clarity, and I think my grasp on reality has solidified.  With age comes knowledge, right?

If I were to try and establish where my year rated - whether or not I deserve that extra couple of percent - I'd say with reasonable certainty that I'm definitely moving forward.  The things I want to improve are an evolution, and it seems only natural that there will be some stumbles.

28 has begun with a relative bang - the memories I've made in the last week have been of views outside my own windows, and with friends both new and old.  I didn't ring in this newest year of life quite as I anticipated, but remarkably I can't say I'm disappointed.

There aren't all that many weeks left until I embark on my next endeavour - a whole new set of views to be had, and pictures to share as I go.  I'm hoping that along the way I find a little clarity as to what I'm looking for in my life at home, too, though I'm beginning to think it's all so intricately interwoven that I just have to sit back and wait for it to unfold.

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