Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Three More Sleeps...

I was starting to lose hope that I'd get to see any sunny moments in Sydney before I begin my journey back on Saturday.  The rain was coming down in sheets creating a wall of hard rain that made it foreboding as you'd step out onto the street.  It was warm, but completely deceptive because the minute you'd get outside, you'd be drenched, and the harbour wind would cut right through you.

I was starting to hate Sydney - because I couldn't fault anything else...

This morning, when I woke up, the grey skies were ominous but slightly more optimistic than last night, when our 'room with a view' wouldn't even let us see five feet out the panoramic window.  Still, by the time we showered, dressed, and readied to go out, the rain began again.

Because we were changing hotels (and moving on to the posh hotel in Darling Harbour, sans view, but of epically great location) we opted to move the car and make the most of it.  In pouring rain, we drove out, with the intent to do the beaches of Sydney - and if need be sneak out during moments of lesser rain to snap some photos.

The first few beaches were hard to see - sadly, the amount of rain we received was making the views impressive to see, but incredibly difficult to photograph.  According to the news, this rain fall broke records more than seven years old.  All I can say is, thank you, mother nature.  (The heartless bitch!)

Pleasantly though, as we moved on, from beach to beach, we were able to get more and more sunlight and suddenly the day was looking up.

By the time we made it to Waverley Cemetery, it was a beautiful combination of tempestuous and barely-hidden sun creeping out to welcome us.  It was incredible.

The day rebounded fantastically, allowing us several glorious hours of wandering, picture-taking, and enjoying the city.  We toured the Chinese Garden of Friendship, walked the harbour and then walked back up to Paddy's Markets before coming 'home' to the hotel, and diving into the most luxurious pool I have ever had the pleasure of swimming in.

I rescind all negative feelings I was beginning to harbour against Sydney, and acknowledge that patience is not a virtue I've ever been accused of possession.  I will, however, note that weather rainy or sunny, there is something magical about this place; even during the most depressing moments of meteorological hell, there is something that makes you want to discover more.

Only three more sleeps until this incredible trip comes to an end.  I'm ready to see my kitties, to have a phone call that doesn't cost $2 a minute to dial, and to see my friends and family back home, but otherwise, I really could stay here forever.

I think there will definitely be a time when I need to come back, and I hope that time is sooner rather than later.


  1. Why did you visit a cemetery?

  2. Multiple reasons: 1) it's a really cool cemetery - it's on the hill, overlooking the ocean, and it looks like it's suspended above the world. 2) a TV show called Water Rats taped two episodes there - and Jayne loves the show, so she wanted to see it.

  3. Awww, the TV show thing is a great reason. Which reminds me, did you see Allison Janney on LOST? She owned that episode.
